Tuesday, July 3, 2012

FREE 3-4 Page Personalized Fitness Report!!

Greetings Everyone,

I have been away from my blog for the last couple of weeks. For good reasons I promise!!!, been working on getting my masters degree. But it's summer time and I know you all want to get in the best shape of your life. Therefore , I want to offer everyone who contacts me and schedules at least 4 sessions a free 3-4 page personalized fitness report on how to achieve your desired goals. Topics that will be included will be what weights/ machines to use, nutrition, proper motivation, how much should I lift, how often should I exercise, how to prevent injuries, FITT training principles and much more!!. It's personalized remember so I can answer each one of your questions. Remember the 1st session is also free!!.

Contact me via Email for this incredible offer,

Fitness specialist and trainer.